Cyber Crime & Data Privacy

AK Legal Mantra Providing Extensive Legal Services Related to Cyber ​​Law Addressing All Complexities of the Digital World. Our legal services also provide legal assistance in many forms. But this legal support is only offered to support online privacy, data security, cyber crime and intellectual property rights.

AKLegalMantra ensures that any individual or business can safely and legally navigate the evolving landscape of cyberspace and comply with all relevant laws and regulations.

Cyber ​​law, also known as digital law or Internet law, it is a specific area of ​​law that governs legal disputes related to the Internet, digital technologies, and electronic elements. Cyber ​​laws are designed to ensure that online activity is within legal limits and that digital spaces operate in an orderly and secure manner.

For example, laws are needed to regulate the collection, storage, and use of data to protect privacy as people and large organizations share highly sensitive information online. Cyber ​​law also recognizes popular uses such as digital signatures and e-documents that help move the world towards a paperless future.

There are mainly 3 types of cyber law, the first is cyber crime, the second is intellectual property,and the third is defamation.

Cyber ​​Law

1. Cybercrimes

Cybercrime is a general term for criminal activity and all criminal activities are carried out with the help of computers, networks or any other digital devices. cyber ​​criminals or hackers commit crimes to earn more money, but this can also be a motivation due to personal or political reasons.

Cyber ​​criminals take advantage of vulnerabilities in most systems and networks to gain access to confidential information, manipulate data, disrupt services, or cause financial loss.

These criminals target individuals, businesses or government organizations which can pose a huge threat to personal privacy and cyber security in today’s digital age.

2. Intellectual Property

Intellectual property means a kind of law which includes and these laws are the original creations which include inventions, brands and creative designs which includes to protect all the creations.

Under this law, you can patent any creation related to you, which in future can be claimed by someone as their own. Intellectual property is most important asset in today’s generation. that’s why we know very well how important the protection of your created invention.

3. Defamation

Defamation is a false statement that harms someone’s reputation and this statement can be in any form, for example, it can be in the form of a written statement or it can be a spoken statement. which is called defamation. It can be severely damage the reputation of any person, business or organization.

Defamation allegations are a common legal dispute for media organizations. This can greatly reduce the risk of legal disputes by placing greater emphasis on film producers, journalists and celebrity collaborators and collaborators while maintaining ethical standards.